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Ascend (Jan 26-27th, Dana Point, CA) - General Admission
Day 1
Session 1 - Mindset + Transaction Engineer (75:30)
Session 2 - 9 Degrees of Wealth + Lead Sources (99:22)
Session 3 - Lead Sources + Funnel Breakdown (85:45)
Session 4 - Flipping + Panel with Omar and Eddie (72:40)
Session 5 - Success Panel: Jose, Chuck, Stephen (36:11)
Day 2
Session 1 - Takeaways + Social Media (32:31)
Session 2 - Zuber (36:40)
Session 3 - Panel: Omar, Eddie, Noah (43:42)
Session 4 - Joe DiRaffaele (82:32)
Session 5 - Alex and Denise Lehr (104:30)
Session 6 - Scaling with Adrian (61:36)
Session 7 - Panel: Jose, Eric, Sharma (36:19)
Session 2 - Zuber
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